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(7) S. M. Dorfman, F. Nabiei, C.E. Boukaré, V. B. Prakapenka, M. Cantoni, J. Badro and P. Gillet, 2021, Composition and Pressure Effects on Partitioning of Ferrous Iron in Iron-Rich Lower Mantle Heterogeneities, Minerals, doi:

(6) F. Nabiei, J. Badro , C.E. Boukaré, C. Hébert, M. Cantoni, S. Borensztajn, N. Wehr, P. , Gillet , 2021, Investigating Magma Ocean Solidification on Earth Through Laser-Heated Diamond Anvil Cell Experiments, GRL, doi:

(5) K.Vilella, T. Bodin, C.E. Boukaré, F. Deschamps, J. Badro, M. Ballmer, Y. Li, Constraints on the composition and temperature of LLSVPs from seismic properties of lower mantle minerals, 2021,  EPSL, doi:


(4) C.E. Boukaré, S.W. Parman, E.M. Parmentier, B.A, Anzures, 2019, Production and preservation of sulfide layering in Mercury’s mantle, JGR:Planets, doi: 10.1029/2019JE005942


(3) C.E. Boukaré, E.M. Parmentier, S.W. Parman, 2018, Timing of mantle overturn during magma ocean crystallization, EPSL, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.03.037.


(2) C.E. Boukaré, Y. Ricard, 2017, Modeling phase separation and phase change for magma ocean solidification dynamics, G3, doi: 10.1002/2017GC006902


(1) C.E. Boukaré, Y. Ricard and G. Fiquet, 2015, Thermodynamics of the MgO-FeO-SiO2 system up to 140 GPa: Application to the crystallization of Earth's magma ocean, JGR, doi : 10.1002/2015JB011929.