Hi everyone !

I am Charles-Édouard (Ch.-Éd.) Boukaré, researcher in Earth and Planetary Sciences

Earth and Planetary Sciences is a highly interdisciplinary domain. Earth and Planetary scientists aim at understanding processes that shape planetary bodies such as the Earth, terrestrial and outer planets, moons, asteroids or exoplanets. One of the main goals of Earth and Planetary Sciences is to answer the following questions:
  • What are planetary bodies made of? 
  • How these components are spatially distributed inside planetary bodies? 
  • How does this spatial distribution evolve through time?
  • How do planets structure and dynamics affect Life and habitability?
To answer these questions, Earth and Planetary Sciences gathers together scientists of various backgrounds. Mineral physicists focus on understanding the behavior of materials at composition, pressure and temperature conditions relevant for various planetary objects. Remote sensing methods allow to characterize planetary surface from a distance. Seismology and gravity measurements bring to light the interior structure of planets as medical imaging allows obtaining visual representations of the interior of a body. Geochemists decipher the chemical composition of planetary materials and offer invaluable constrains on the age and timing of geophysical processes. Finally, geodynamicists use fluid dynamics models to characterize the dynamics of planetary surfaces and interiors.

My research aims to understand the very early stages of planets history and how it could affect their long-term evolution. To which extent your life as adult is defined by your childhood, your genes? More specifically, I am interested in the feedbacks between fluid dynamics and chemistry at planetary scale. My daily tool is numerical modeling and computational fluid dynamics. I develop numerical models of high-pressure phase equilibrium, thermo-chemical convection and multi-phase flows.