Oral Communications

Conferences and Workshops


C.-E. Boukaré, J. Badro, H. Samuel. Beyond 1D magma ocean models (Invited talk). SEDI Meeting 2022, Zurich, Switzerland.

Diversity of Rocky Planets 2022, Leiden, Netherlands.


C.-E. Boukaré, J. Badro, J. Brodholt. Thermodynamics in the system Fe-Si-O up to 350 GPa. In Goldschmidt Meeting 2021, Lyon, France.

Collaborative Exploration of Earth’s Deep Interior (CLEEDI), 2021, Foix, France.


C.-E. Boukaré, J. Badro. Thermodynamics in the system Fe-Si-O up to 350 GPa. In AGU Meeting 2019, USA.
J Badro, F Nabiei, CE Boukaré, C Hébert, M Cantoni, P Gillet,  Melting relations and silicate melt evolution in Earth’s lower mantle. In AGU Meeting 2019, USA.
K Vilella, CE Boukaré, T Bodin, F Deschamps, J Badro, Y Li, M Ballmer, Constraints on the composition of LLSVPs. In AGU 2019, USA.


CE Boukaré, SW Parman, EM Parmentier, B Anzures. Spatial Partitioning of Sulfur in the Mercury's Crystallizing Magma Ocean. In LPSC Meeting 2018, USA.
CE Boukaré, EM Parmentier, SW Parman. Cumulate Mantle Dynamic Response to Magma Ocean Cooling History. In LPSC Meeting 2017, USA.


C.-E. Boukaré, E.M. Parmentier, S.W. Parman. On the role of mantle overturn during Magma Oceans solidification. In AGU Meeting 2017, USA.
Y. Ricard, C.-E. Boukaré, E.M. Parmentier. Modeling snow regime in cores of small planetary bodies. In AGU Meeting 2017, USA.
C.-E. Boukaré, Y. Ricard, (Invited talk), Multiphase Dynamics of Magma Oceans. In EGU 2017, Austria.
C.-E. Boukaré, E.M. Parmentier, S.W. Parman. Did the Lunar mantle overturn before the end of Magma Ocean solidification? In LPSC 2017, USA.


C.-E. Boukaré, Y. Ricard, (Invited talk), Effects of Iron Partitioning on Earth's Magma Ocean. In AGU Meeting 2016, USA.
C.-E. Boukaré, Y. Ricard. Numerical modeling of multiphase flow in magma ocean. In Magma Ocean workshop, Atami, Japan.


C.-E. Boukaré, Y. Ricard, S. Labrosse. Mantle dynamics in the very young Earth. In AGU Meeting 2015, USA.


C.-E. Boukaré, Y. Ricard, G. Fiquet, S. Labrosse. Thermodynamics of the MgO-FeO-SiO2 system at HP/HT: Application to a crystallizing magma ocean. In SEDI Meeting 2014, Japan.
C.-E. Boukaré, Y. Ricard, G. Fiquet, S. Labrosse. Thermodynamics of the MgO-FeO-SiO2 system at HP/HT: Application to a crystallizing magma ocean. In EGU Meeting 2014, Austria.


C.-E. Boukaré, Y. Ricard, J. Matas, Solids – liquid phase diagrams of mantle phases. In Gordon Conference 2013, USA.

Invited talk

Magma oceans and early dynamics of rocky planets, McGill University, October 2021, Montréal, Canada.

Thermodynamics of solid-liquid silicates at Earth’s deep mantle conditions, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, May 2019, Paris, France.

New insights into magma ocean solidification dynamics, December 2018, DTM Carnegie, Washington, U.S.

Modeling solidification, phase separation and convection for magma oceans, June 2017, IMPMC, Paris, France.

Mantle Dynamics in the Early Earth, May 2016, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland.